Troubleshooting for Coaches
Monday, January 20, 2025 - Monday, March 31, 2025
07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
6 part coach development webinar series delivered by a team of world class coaches and experts; designed to give coaches a fresh perspective on how they can best support riders to overcome common training issues, pinpointing cause and effects, and giving practical solutions.
We would like this series to be as interactive as possible and if there are any particular issues you are seeing and you would like covered, please do let Callum know.
All webinars will be recorded for you to replay as many times as you like, or watch on demand anytime.
BHS Approved CPD carrying 6 CPD points
Monday 20th January - Troubleshooting the 'Crooked Rider'
Performance Specialist, Dee So'oialo, has spent the last decade dedicated to improving rider position. Primarily a soft tissue therapist and S&C coach, now spending the majority of her time on rider biomechanics sessions. Dee will share her experiences of common rider positional flaws, why they are happening from a human anatomy perspective, and how to we support riders to fix them.
Monday 3rd February - Troubleshooting the 'Nervous Rider'
Performance Psychologist, Charlie Unwin, will breakdown how we as coaches can best support a rider overcome previous negative experiences, deal with competition nerves and build confidence in training ready for competition. Exploring root causes, how the brain works and how we can help rewire it.
Monday 17th February - Troubleshooting the 'Tricky Horse'
Equine Anatomy Expert, Gillian Higgins, will chat through how the horses are put together and what this means for the way we should be coaching with horse welfare and longevity at the forefront. Highlighting key muscles, tendons and ligaments we should be considering and how through correct coaching we can improve a horses posture, way of going and performance.
Monday 3rd March - Troubleshooting the Dressage
International Dressage Trainer, Lisa White, will look at common training issues on the flat, help us develop a better understanding of why they are happening and exercises to use to improve them. Covering developing a horses way of going, the 'hot horse', the 'hollow horse', the 'lazy horse' and look at fundamental errors in movements including incorrect positioning, contact issues and late behind changes.
Monday 17th March - Troubleshooting the XC
Performance Coach, Caroline Moore FBHS, will discuss common XC issues and how through systematic and building-block processes in training we can help riders overcome them. We will look at 'the strong horse', breakdown how a rider should be using their aids, overcoming common XC issues including water and ditches, and how we can train confidence and accuracy over XC questions by bringing them into the arena.
Monday 31st March - Troubleshooting the Showjumping
Respected Showjump Coach, Emilie Chandler, will talk through common problems faced in the showjumping and how we can develop our coaching philosophy to improve both the horses way of going and jumping technique. Looking at common rider errors, discussing 'seeing a stride', exercises to improve the profile of a horses jump and specific issues like rushing, chipping in and straightness.
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